I like these particular vegetables not only for nutritional value but for their ability to remain fresh together for an extended period of time (at the right temperature) in the fridge.  I typically avoid celery in this mix because of its higher water content. 
Note: When I find it fresh and crisp, fennel is always preferable to celery.
My “easy reach” vegetable box sits side by side with my chopped “romaine & radicchio” (essay 20).  A couple of handfuls of both make for a nutritious and ultra fast meal spiked with a gob of something like my motley salmon (essay 10) – or not.

Not too big and not too small. Most importantly, none the same size.  I avoid any device that cuts or chops things in a predictable fashion – except for a food processor when called for.

Bigger and smaller – just right.

I like to quarter these guys and then chop really fast.  I can prep a head of this stuff in under a minute.

Like this.

Make certain that when using the merry-go-round that you spin out as much water as possible. For the longest storage it needs to be relatively dry.

This color is so mesmerizing.  Everyone’s kitchen should look like this. The world would be so much more at peace.

Keep your damn fingers tucked into your palm, like a gorilla. If you chop things like this without fear, you’ll be at the med station fifteen minutes before guests arrive on Thanksgiving day. Also, NEVER put knives in the dishwater. Ever! 

Just can’t get enough of this color.

Toss and fill the container.

Like this.
Note: There are times that the stuff in this container will not get used up before it loses some of its freshness.
That’s the perfect time for a soup, stir fry or (tossed in EVO) a baking sheet in the oven at 450º – 475º until well caramelized. Never waste a morsel. There’s always a use for everything. 


6. easy reach vegetables
7. peel an egg
8. stretch a chicken
9. chicken stock fundamentals
10. motley salmon
11. crazy pretzels
12. cannellini basics
13. quick chicken soup
14. a dinner surprise

Thanks for visiting with me.

Paul V’Soske

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