This is ridiculously easy and over-the-top delicious. I’ve got my box of Easy Reach Vegetables (essay 6), one lobe of chicken breast (essay 8), cannellini beans(essay 12) and a quart of chicken stock (essay 9) plus the bean stock.
The chicken stock and the bean liquid are in the All-Clad. I’m adding handfuls of chopped vegetables until it looks about right.
Okay, that seems about right for the vegetables.

I love a lot of parsley in chicken soup. I’m chopping a whole big bunch of it.

Now for a big gob of easy garlic.

Of course, what’s chicken soup without some Corine’s No. 23?

A big measure of turmeric – flavor and COLOR.

Easy does it on the salt until it’s served. Everyone can do their own.

Now it is ready for the stove. Notice that it is just the vegetables that will be cooked. Don’t add the beans or chicken until after the soup has cooked in the pressure cooker. The beans and chicken are already done and they don’t need any more cooking – just warming heat.

6 minutes on program one (vegetables) in the All-Clad.

As soon as the lid is off I add the chicken hunks and…

handfuls of beans until it seems about right.

Stir it up and let it cool.

Extra beans into the Ball Jar.

These beans will be gone fast.

Fill the jars.

This 10 cup batch won’t last long. If by chance we can’t finish this within a few days, I’ll transfer to a freezer bag for another time. Really really tasty and QUICK.


6. easy reach vegetables
7. peel an egg
8. stretch a chicken
9. chicken stock fundamentals
10. motley salmon
11. crazy pretzels
12. cannellini basics
13. quick chicken soup
14. a dinner surprise

Thanks for visiting with me.

Paul V’Soske

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