This is a really tasty variation on a theme of goat cheese. A little chopped red onion, a nice big dollop of arugula pesto and some pepper. Very simple. Really good. Very nutritious.
Great goat cheese at Costco:

Wine helps you decide what to do next.

Scissors to open the package.

Squeeze out of the tube and add chopped onion. You can slice, dice, chop in any manner you choose. It’s in large measure about texture.

It’s a good thing I still have some pesto in the fridge. Actually, I always have pesto in the fridge. Not having pesto in the fridge is unacceptable and inexcusable.

Don’t hold back on the pepper! Now, stir it up.

I may have mentioned this before, but if you can find these crackers, buy em. Damn, this is good!
La Panzanella Mini Original Croccantini Artisan Crackers

Just right for a 2 cup Mason Jar.

If we’re having friends over, I usually do two (2) goat cheese tubes and flavor according to my mood or what’s handy. So simple. Always a hit. Always appreciated.


15. crispy eggs and beans
16. faux polenta
17. a very special chuck
18. a chuck reduction
19. goat cheese & arugula
20. everyday romaine & radicchio
21. nuts!
22. some dry pantry essentials

Thanks for visiting with me.

Paul V’Soske

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