A tiny bit of work gives us super fast salads throughout the week. Grab a handful and go. Love the slight bitter character of the radicchio and the color is mesmerizing.

The quickest way I know to chop this stuff up. Trim funky leaves, cut in quarters, slice off stalks, halve lengthwise & chop as follows.

Like this. The work is measured in seconds – not minutes. I always hear complaining about never enough time or it takes too long or a hundred other reasons. The simple truth is that none of the stuff I do takes any time at all. It’s just a well organized, thoughtful and efficient process – and you can drink great wines and listen to Gluck, Mozart or Wagner while you’re doing it. How does it get any easier or better than that?

Two radicchios and two romaines get us nicely into the week. We do enjoy salads just about every day – typically for breakfast. Just add an egg or some such stuff – or not.
Rejuvenating the lettuce box takes only a second if we come up short.

My favorite way to chop romaine. Trim funky leaves, remove stalk end, cut in quarters the long way and chop.

Like this. Note: This is where I wash and spin.

Mix and toss the two and transfer to its new house.

Eat it before it goes limp. If it does go limp, spread on a cooking screen or tin foil and put on the grill for a little while. Splash some vinegar and drizzle with EVO – salt & pepper and dig in. There are always tasty ways to revive foods that may not be crisp or seemingly fresh but remain perfectly edible and nutritious.
I’m lazy. I like the throw together method of doing meals. Investing a little bit of organized prep time once a week allows me this luxury. Great food in a flash.


15. crispy eggs and beans
16. faux polenta
17. a very special chuck
18. a chuck reduction
19. goat cheese & arugula
20. everyday romaine & radicchio
21. nuts!
22. some dry pantry essentials

Thanks for visiting with me.

Paul V’Soske

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