I had a hankering for some polenta to go with a chuck I’m preparing. Problem is, we don’t eat corn – okay sometimes. Maybe a cauliflower POLENTA instead? 
The white stuff in the jar is goat yogurt. There is also turmeric, garlic, salt & pepper, thyme and oregano along with some Parmigiano Reggiano and a glug (or a splash) of wine.
I figured that even if it didn’t taste like polenta it would be fun, I’d learn something and do another variation some other time.

I just picked these. The leaves strip away from the thyme stems very easily when it’s 2 minutes fresh – tastes and smells amazing too.

Chop chop.

I might be a little resourceful and use these stalks were it not for our egg laying ladies who really love this stuff. Some for us and some for them.

Use the pulse bar on the food processor so it does not go too far and turn to mush. I was looking for a very coarse corn meal texture.
I have no idea what I’d do without my old Cuisinart food processor. It just keeps giving.

Mix with herbies.

Add Parmigiano Reggiano and mix. There is no substitute for this heavenly cheese. Sorry Wisconsin. It is what it is and can’t be replicated. Don’t even think about it.
My favorite source for Parmigiano Reggiano:

Now for the rest of the stuff – mix.

This is the second add of yogurt. First was still a little dry.

Just right. I used goat butter to heavily grease the Le Creuset.
When butter is called for I prefer using Meyenberg Goat Milk Butter
…and when I braise, I use Le Creuset – the very best.

Ready for the stove. Could be in the oven or over a camp fire too.

Be careful. If you are going to give it a glug, take care that you keep a light hand or it will get away from you. I would recommend that you drink more and use less.
A little more time on the stove with the lid off to dry out and it’ll be ready to serve with whatever. In this case, it’s going to compliment my upcoming chuck. I think.


15. crispy eggs and beans
16. faux polenta
17. a very special chuck
18. a chuck reduction
19. goat cheese & arugula
20. everyday romaine & radicchio
21. nuts
22. some dry pantry essentials

Thanks for visiting with me.

Paul V’Soske

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