With the exception of several items, these are elemental. The jars of Andhra Garam Masala and Panch Phoron are compounds which I prepare and mix myself with instruction and essential guidance from my cooker daughter in Asheville.
Note: Please enlarge photo for a close look at my regulars. Herbs and spices are expensive at the grocery store but very reasonable priced at local Indian or other Asian markets. In many cases, ten times less costly.
I have come into the most interesting spices very late in my life. It is my great fortune to be the father of a truly great cooker. Unfortunately, our homes are far apart and we’re together infrequently. On those rare occasions when we are together a good part of that time is in the kitchen. I always come away from those precious sessions much wiser and sophisticated to the wonders of food.
The fun Carol Ann and I have had with the things our daughter has shared cannot be measured. How lucky for us that we’re the beneficiary of her skill and knowledge. 
I say all of this because having even some knowledge and vocabulary with spices and herbs (not necessarily the American meat and potatoes kind) is both liberating and a lightening rod for sensorial cooking. Strategically released spice and herb aromas are intoxicating, exhilarating and mind-blowing. That’s a damn good reason to toast some up to enhance your next meal.
We are all a little stressed of late. Stimulating our senses is something we can do from our home kitchens, for pennies, and can bring so much pleasure and diversion from the crap we’re all collectively suffering this year. It just takes a little time, a little imagination, fresh food, prepared thoughtfully, accompanied by a nice wine and served up with a big smile.
This brings the Butterfly Weed Kitchen to a close. I really loved working under the influence of this marigold-ish hue. Everything seemed so simple and uncomplicated – and spice like. Yesterday, I happened to get a glimpse of what is the last little cluster of Butterfly Weed in the prairie. A signal that summer is passing too quickly.
My job is to harvest those seeds before mother nature steals them from me. These plants have better odds of survival if I stick the seeds in the ground before squirrels or birds find them.
The Bergamot Kitchen is coming up next. I’m crazy impatient to begin as the color I chose for the Bergamot is explosive and I get to create about 7 essays inside that color. It’s definitely psychedelic and I would expect that during one of the episodes, mushrooms will magically appear.


15. crispy eggs and beans
16. faux polenta
17. a very special chuck
18. a chuck reduction
19. goat cheese & arugula
20. everyday romaine & radicchio
21. nuts!
22. some dry pantry essentials

Thanks for visiting with me.

Paul V’Soske

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