This is a killer egg sandwich and while there are more iterations than grain’s of sand, this one is particularly scrumptious.  Let’s just say that it ALL comes together with this one.
FYI. Carol Ann and I split a single sandwich although I’m not necessarily advocating such restraint for anyone else.
3 lovely gifts from the girls out back
goat butter
arugula pesto
Corine’s Pepper Sauce #3
goat yogurt
easy garlic
little mixing bowl
micro greens (I think these are radish)
sourdough – gotta have holes or it’s not worth eating. If it looks like wonder bread (no air pockets) go have a burger or something.
favorite toaster – 1918 Sunbeam. None finer.
I do a quick rough chop on the MicroGreens. Radish, broccoli & kale varieties are really good. 

The MicroGreens go into the little mixing bowl and then I add the other stuff on top. First thing is the easy garlic.

Then goes the goat yogurt, Corine’s Pepper Sauce and now the arugula pesto.

Mix it up and stand by.

Get some heat on the sourdough.

By the way, Corine’s Pepper Sauces are fantastic. Our daughter sent us a variety package and I’m only sorry to have experienced this stuff so late in life. Can’t get through the day without it now.

Remember this?  Arugula Pesto (essay 2). Indispensable kitchen stuff. Our daughter makes it with mint. I’ll try that soon.

This is the best goat butter I can find at our local markets. I make clarified butter and ghee from it as well. Love this stuff.

Okay, back to the sandwich. Slather a very thick layer of MicroGreen goo on one slice.

Like this.

Butter on the other.

Big secret! Always cut the top slice of bread BEFORE putting it in place. That allows you to cut your sandwich without crushing or having the inside stuff squirt out and making a mess of everything.

Hot pan. I want the oil (or goat butter etc.) to shimmer quickly.

I want the egg to crackle as it hits the pan. The moment it hits the pan the edges should began to swell and lift. If it just lays there for a while, the pan was not sufficiently hot. Initially, eggs need an extremely hot surface.

I like a large double handle pan so I can slosh it around like sluicing for gold. It works the egg out into a larger diameter and cooks quicker. It works like twirling pizza dough.

Perfect for half-flipping.

Like this.

Looks just about right.

Setting up with salt & pepper.

Trimming to fit size and shape of bread.

Like this.

Extra pieces strewn around or nibbled. 

Two halves set on top and then carefully cut through.

Look how thick the MicroGreen goo is. Yum! Also, notice that the sandwich is perfectly cut without crushing.

Served up with pickled carrot sticks and ice tea. A super easy and wonderful way to begin the day.


1. easy garlic
2. arugula pesto
3. an irregular egg sandwich
4. a fine spinach omelette
5. a speedy salmon salad

Thanks for visiting with me.

Paul V’Soske

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